“You don’t need to be extraordinary. If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. People who can open to the web of life that called us into being, and who can rest in the vitality of that larger body.” Joanna Macy ~ Wild Love for the World.
I posted this on my Facebook several weeks ago, but it seems today it is more relevant than ever. What a time to see what a difference ordinary people can, and do, make. With so much going on in the world these days, where does your heart pull you to create positive change? Being present as who we are, authentically, with integrity, that is our place of highest service. Vulnerable, Courageous. Just. Do. You.
Authenticity: The practice of letting go who we think we're supposed to be, and embracing who we are.
Integrity: Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.
~Brené Brown
Clinically: I'm seeing a lot of nervous system overload, stress in the body acting like muscle tension and pain, and general fatigue. I call it background noise. Even if we are not directly immersing ourselves in the media and chaos, we feel it. How? We are connected in this world-wide web of life, and whether we are aware of that or not, it affects us. It hides in our weak spots and pretends to be a pulled muscle, and old injury that is acting up, or any number of "stories."
Practice: Try playing around with "is it real?" Sit quietly, body relaxed. Breathe, and focus on the pain. That's right, the pain. Where is it? Can you find the bottom of it? Is it really there? Can you let go of the story and focus on just the sensation without a label? Breath into it, and exhale, relaxing. Continue for 5-15 minutes. End your session with feeling gratitude deeply; for yourself, this time, the pain, the background noise. I've had great success with this in my own body.
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