"Nature itself is the best physician" Hippocrates
Nature; in this case meaning your own body, when balanced, possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself.
Chinese Medicine practitioners have been dealing with immune system disorders for thousands of years. Let me reiterate: THOUSANDS OF YEARS!
And we know for sure that the one of the most powerful and intelligent resources you have is your very own immune system. The very one that Nature gifted you with.
So how can you boost your immunity and prevent illness? And if you do get sick, what can you do to Imm-Power yourself to help your body fight infection?
1. Receive regular acupuncture sessions:
Why? Acupuncture can regulate and balance the body's immune function in a number of ways, from opening blockages that lead to an impediment of flow to vital organ systems, to strengthening weaknesses in/or rebalancing the function in our immune, adrenal or gut systems. Acupuncture also helps your body de-stess which is #3 on my list of how to IMM-Power your immunity, help you sleep (#5), and digest better (#2).
2. Eat better foods and boost your gut health:
Why? The gut microbiome is a huge factor in immune system health and regulation. Inside the gut are about 100 trillion live microorganisms that promote normal GI function, protect the body from infection, and regulate metabolism and the mucosal immune system. In fact, it is believed they comprise more than 75% of our immune system.
Everyone needs to understand that the quality, quantity and choice of foods that you ingest has a direct effect on your health and immunity.
3. Destress Daily:
Why? Stress hormones hijack and suppress our immune system. Simple. When you are in fight-or-flight (sympathetic nervous system) your body cannot produce the chemicals and hormones needed to ward off a biological invader. It simply can't. It's busy creating adrenaline to help you fight.
The rest-and-digest or parasympathetic nervous system on the other hand is responsible for maintaining homeostasis, also known as HEALTH.
Please note, the body does not know the difference between a perceived threat (thinking and worrying about something that may or may not actually happen) or a real threat (ie: you are being attacked).
A very intuitive and accurate style began to emerge; bringing in new knowledge and tools and harmonizing them with existing understandings. As this continues to evolve, I feel our treatments are more potent than ever, and new and exciting ideas are emerging. As we evolve, the benefit will be passed along to you, so stay tuned as we manifest!
So the current culture of fear can actually
be creating a threat to your immunity.
4. Make Sleep a Priority:
Why? Studies consistently show that people who don't get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.
During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you're under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don't get enough sleep.
Ideal rest occurs between 10pm and 6am. Sleep during the hours of 10pm and 2am repairs our bodies. Immune cells are released to seek out and destroy cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful agents. Between 2 and 6am, sleep lets our bodies enter a stage of psychic regeneration, and the immune system is supported by chemicals released by the brain.
How much sleep do you need? Adults should get around 8 hours of sleep a night and children and adolescents need 9-10 hours.
Learn more about taking charge of your immunity, amazing products, and a Resource Guide!