“As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.”
Six months into the great adventure of "Right Brained Living" I have realized that the empty space of a day is something I have not experienced since I was a small child; before the hurts of the world touched me, before I felt responsible, and before my brazen independence took over. And here it is, over 50-years later; yes, better late than never.
That spaciousness was created to simply Live, and Surf, and Be. But that expansive slumber from the ever-busy pace of life delivered an unintended consequence that I hadn’t known was a powerful need. I’ve received a deep, soulful rest of body and mind. Not until I slowed down enough to truly feel the innermost workings of my being, was I able to recognize the transformative, restorative power of nothingness.
I've called this The Great Unwinding. It's as if layers and layers of responsibilities, goals, achievements, future-oriented ideals, preferences, ideas, beliefs and understandings have been peeled away. This feeling of being ‘unwound’ and ‘peeled’ has left me somewhat closer to my gooey center, to my true nature, to what feels most important.
What blooms under this great tree of space and time are things that are rich, meaningful and deep. Simple moments with nature, waterfalls, sunsets, wildlife, rainstorms, oceans, hammocks and beaches, all replete with generous, unending beauty. Friendships blossom, deeper connections are formed, interconnectedness and community is fostered under the branches of this tree. Relationships are nourished, and prioritized. Time alone, in quiet solitude, contemplation and meditation are welcomed. The heart and the soul are watered and fertilized. The body is cared for and the mind is relaxed and free. It’s a garden of peace, where the nervous system is slowly restored to a more natural place of fight or flight, and healing is cellular.
And to be clear there is a discomfort in all this spaciousness. Because without planning, I am leaving myself wide open to the unknown. And for most of us, the wide expansive blackness of the unknown can be a scary place. I get it. But even in 6-months I've learned better; this is the place of magic and wonder. So in putting into action my understanding of manifestation: letting go of the how, being open to the unexpected, living from my heart, and staying open to possibility no matter how it shows up, has proven to be what all the books, teachers, courses, classes, Yogis, Masters, and seers have all been saying and teaching for thousands of years: It’s the secret sauce of a beautiful life. No better teacher than experience. I’ve put it to the test and I can honestly say, "wow, I should have done this a long, long time ago".
But again, better late than never.
Health & Happiness & You!
Like a wave, life gives us no moment that is ever the same as the one before. It simply cannot be. And in this acceptance of the never-ending sand mandala of change, we too are adapting and creating and recreating the configuration of Red Lotus Health.
However, my motto; “Acupuncture and Inspiration for Radiant Health and Happiness”, that was developed over 20-years ago, is more alive and true than ever.
Happiness and Health are bonded in a symbiotic relationship. Like yin and yang they cannot exist without one another. Though they are non-dualistic (as in yin and yang) they are necessary for one another to thrive. And as each of us rises up and transforms our health and happiness it lifts those around us. In this spirit, our happiness is your happiness, our health is your health, and our transformation is your transformation.So here we are, at this crossroads of change and evolution. Our interconnectedness as real at the sunrise each day. As we at Red Lotus follow our hearts, the ripple extends to all of you, an invitation and momentum, to do the same. In love and appreciation here's what we know is happening ~