MEXICO MAGICO ::: Scenes From a Cultural Mecca
Original Post April 2023
Last year, upon arriving in San Miguel de Allende late in the month of September, I had unknowingly landed in the middle of the biggest celebration of the year. Honestly it was both thrilling and overwhelming. Three days of fireworks morning and night, parades, dancing, offerings to the archangel patron saint of San Miguel, as well as throngs of people and noise.
Despite the ‘overwhelmed’ sensation from all the excitement and stimulation, I was also captivated by the incredible culture, colors and celebration. Though nothing has come close to the intensity of that first welcome, there continues to be a vibrance in this city and a genuine love of culture and festivity that fascinates and warms me. And though I have now seen many different holidays, 'The WOW' of the first Friday in March when the Conchero Dancers performed for 'Dia de La Conquista' in the plaza in front of La Parroquia church, has been my favorite.
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Whatever the significance I was deeply moved by the lineages and the power of their presence and dancing. I also feel there is a lot to be learned from this synthesis of cultures and beliefs. With the complexity and diversity on this planet, it's an honor to see an interpretation of Life that is meaningful, historical, and personal. After all, we all want the freedom to interpret this Universe in a way that makes us feel connected and accepted.
esoteric acupuncture ::: what it is and why it matters
“Ideas that are prominent in our thoughts quickly appear as images in the energy field. If the energy field is the blueprint that guides and molds the body, it may be that by imaging an illness, even unconsciously and repeatedly reinforcing its presence in the field, we are in effect programming the body to manifest illness"
Michael Talbot” ~ The Holographic Universe
The longer I do this work the more I realize we are not only highly individualized beings, but we are definitely multi-dimensional. Multidimensional meaning we are made up of a physical body; one that we can see, move, touch, and feel. The one that appears to change with time, feels pain and love, and experiences this 3D reality. We also have various other bodies that form around our physical body. These bodies can be sensed, but are not as easily seen or felt.
We are, in fact, made up of several layers of bodies, each one becoming denser as it gets nearer to our densest form, the physical. It isn't as important to discuss each layer as it is to know that dis-ease in fact starts further out and makes its way through the layers of your energy bodies, finally landing within your physical form.
Acupuncture is a beautiful system of correcting your imbalances within this physical form; because within your form, you are still 99.9999% energy and light. And it is this fact that also helps explain why acupuncture works in the first place. It corrects and balances the energetic grid of your physical body by inserting fine needles into 'spin points' and sends a message to your system to come back to homeostasis.
“These transmissions at the spin points provide regenerating instructions for the manufacturing of enzymes and proteins which are the building blocks for the ‘new tissue’ or the ‘new organ form’ which is regenerated on the physical plane.” JJ Hurtak Ph.D
Take that same concept and expand it out into the field beyond your physical body. Think of your physical body creating a ripple that then interacts with everything in its immediate space, then continues outward like a wave to affect everything that it comes into contact with and beyond. Now you will have the concept of what Esoteric Acupuncture is working with. Instead of the needles manipulating the qi, or energy, within the meridians, they are acting as tiny antenna sending a message out into the field and assisting your energetic bodies to come into homeostasis. That is what is meant by multi-dimensional.
"Concerning matter, we have all been wrong. What we call matter is energy whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."
Albert Einstein